Thursday, August 10, 2006

Unit 731-Japanese Germ Warfare Unit in China

From the souvenir book I bought at the Harbin museum for germ warfare memorial.

Table of Contents
Page 6 Planning for Bacteriological warfare
Page 22 Building Massive Bacteriological warfare unit
Page 54 “Special Transfer” and experiments on live human beings
Page 84 Developing Bacteriological weapons
Page 106 Putting Germs into actual combat
Page 122 Destroying Criminal evidence and fleeing China
Page 128 Wartime responsibilities that have to be answered for
Page 148 Major events of Unit 731

The only thing left of the massive facility is the administrative building, where the museum and exhibits are displayed. The atrocities of Germany get most of the publicity but I was shocked at learning more about the Harbin headquarters of Unit 731, Japan’s research center for germ warfare.

Here’s more information-
Asian Holocost
WWII in the Pacific

Polar Exhibit

My school took 100 kids to the 'Polar Exhibit' on Sun Island today. We saw seals, whales fish etc.

I am taking chinese lessons 2 hours a day now at a Korean school. Is hard to keep up and learn all the new words and sounds.